The current position:Home >Regulations
  • Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College Document LVTC Zi [2021] No. 87 Notice on Issuance of Regulations on Language Training and Teaching Management for International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College All departments:In order to implement the opening-up policy of national education, maintain the normal teaching orde...
    05-23, 2022
  • Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College Document LVTC Zi [2021] No. 86 Notice of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College on Issuance of Emergency Response Plan for International Students All departments:In order to establish a sound response mechanism to deal with the emergency in a standardized and scientific way, effectively and pro...
    05-20, 2022
  • 05-16, 2022
  • 99905cm银河有限公司外国留学生安全告知书Safety Notice for International Students of LVTC为了维护学校良好的学习秩序,保护留学生的人身安全,保证留学生能够顺利完成学业,根据中国相关法律、法规及学校的有关规定,国际教育学院特制定本安全告知书。This is to stipulate the Notice by School of International Education hereinafter as per the laws and ru...
    05-16, 2022
  • Accommodation Guidelines1.Students are not permitted to swap or change rooms, transfer beds and host any overnight guests without approval.2.The dormitory’s late return registration is from 11:30 PM to 6:00 AM, during which students returning late for special reasons should ask for leave from the counselor in advance and register for...
    05-15, 2022
  • 外国留学生公共厨房管理规定‎Regulations on the Management of Public Kitchens for International Students 一、管理要求‎Management Requirements1.爱护公用设备设施,珍惜使用,故意损坏者除照价赔偿;‎Take good care of public equipment and facilities. Any intentional damage shall be compensated according to the cost;2.讲究卫生,保持清洁...
    05-15, 2022